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Friday, July 1, 2016

#Review: Hart Broken by Annie Arcane | #HeartstabbinglyAmazing @AnnieTheAuthor



Annie Arcane

Mickey Hart doesn't do one-night stands. Until she wakes up in a luxury penthouse. With nothing but a t-shirt. And no idea who it belongs to.

Enter Cale Windermere. Ambitious. Successful. Possibly a serial killer. And so gorgeous he could've walked straight out of a romance novel...

Except I can’t walk.

Not that it ever stops me from getting what I want.

And I want her.

Even if she's keeping secrets.

That could tear me to f*cking shreds.

DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book (from the author) in exchange for an honest review. This will be a non-spoiler review, I hope.

Firstly, I have a confession to make. I was not going to start reading this book until I had finished some that I have before getting this one, but . . . . Something about a handsome man with glasses in a wheelchair had my auto-pilot cruising straight to it.

Secondly, I need to take a moment to truly enjoy the fact that the plot o this book is surreal. That might not be the proper wording, but what I am trying to say is that you will not find another book like this one. The plot is unique. The characters *DIES* I cannot even begin to express what it is to have grown fond of Mickey and Cale. Everything about them is so real, and refreshing.

You are sucked in right from the start. It does not have any downfalls, whatsoever; it just builds and continues to pull you in like a vacuum. And Cale! Oh dear, Cale. 

My Rating: 5 of 5 Stars.
I read this in one go. My inner night owl has finally decided to make an appearance in my reading life. I stayed up so late, unable to put my E-reader down. I loved Cale's optimism through his disability. My heart ached when things seemed to go downhill for the characters. Cale's little snippet solo-chapter thoughts were so . . . I repeat what the description says: Cale walked out of a romance novel into Mickey's world, but I would really like for him to WHEEL out of this romance novel into my world. Truly amazing story. Now I am going to go sit in front of the TV and try to calm my aching heart. I need more Cale+Mickey!

1 comment:

  1. Hadassah,

    I typically try to sound somewhat "professional" in my replies but OMGoodness!

    "Cale walked out of a romance novel into Mickey's world, but I would really like for him to WHEEL out of this romance novel into my world."

    This seriously made me squeal! Thank you so much for the super insightful review!!



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