Haddie's Haven Disclaimer

Unless otherwise stated, book links are in participation of an affiliate program. This does not increase the cost of the item(s) shared on this blog, nor does it take away profit from the author(s). | Additionally, I participate in many blog tours and on occasion will receive a complimentary copy of the participating book from publishers, authors, and/or tour coordinators. | ARC (Advance Reading Copy) posts are marked within my reviews.

Reading/Reviewing Policy - SUBJECT TO CHANGE

My Review Request Policy: 

Although the majority of the books reviewed on my blog consist of books that I own, and books that I have requested to review, I will accept ARCs and books (both e-book and print) in exchange for honest reviews, which will consist of my honest opinions and thoughts. I have refrained from reading certain genres in the past, but I have recently been expanding my reading preferences to fit the current risings. I accept books based on description and, occasionally, the cover.

I can easily say that I will request books, even if they have elements that I do not usually read. If that is that case, the following list will not apply to those novels. This list is basically just for anyone who might send their book to me. Of course, we can discuss details, and I will usually accept all review requests.


  • Christian/Spiritual (Contemporary, Romance, General Fiction, SciFi/Fantasy)

  • Supernatural (Includes Paranormal, under conditions)

  • New Adult

  • Young Adult

  • Romance

  • Historical (Fiction, Romance)

  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy (with conditions)

  • Thriller/Suspense (with conditions)

I reserve the right to refuse ARCs and books that are as follows: LGBTQ+, BDSM, erotica romance, or horror as the main topics. 

Conditions: If a book falls into a category that I am not entirely open to (which may or may not be voiced at the moment), I will be sure to voice my restraint of accepting the book. There are times when I will accept a book with a theme I am not fully interested in, it depends on the plot of the book and whether it interests me or not. 

I do not write elaborate reviews. I do not re-tell the synopsis of the book when it is already right in front of a visitor's eyes. I prefer to express my experience reading a book, what I like, what I don't like (if anything) and give my recommendation.



  1. Hi, I would love to have an honest review exchange. My book is historical romance - Secrets Of Greenoak Woods - a passionate story of love, loss and dark secrets. Let me know if you are interested. Many thanks.

  2. Hello Brenda! Please forgive me for not seeing this until now. If you are still seeking reviews, feel free to email me at: haddies.haven@gmail.com

    Again, so sorry for not seeing this until now. Best wishes!


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