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Friday, July 29, 2016

#Review: Body Contact by Cathryn Fox | @WriterCatFox @ScorchedBooks @EntangledPub

Body Contact
(Hands On 2 of 3)
Cathryn Fox

Body Contact is the second of a three-part erotic series from New York Times and USA best-selling author Cathryn Fox.

Asking pro football player Jack Rider to teach me everything he knows about sex might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I’m not so sure I can handle a guy like him. I thought he’d just straight up do me, ridding me of my pesky virginity sooner rather than later. But no, he had his own ideas about bringing me up to speed on sex. His two weeks of slow seduction might just be the death of me, but since he’s the one in charge, I have to play the game his way. Not that I’m not enjoying it. I am. Who wouldn’t, right? I guess I just can’t help but wonder how I’ll ever let another man touch me after him.

This is the second of a three-part series full of mind-blowing sex, featuring a dirty-mouthed football player who knows the score and an inexperienced therapist who needs to learn it. BODY CONTACT is sure to leave readers begging for more. The next installment comes September 2016.

Buy on Amazon now!

DISCLAIMER: I received an e-galley of this book (through NetGalley) in exchange for honest review.

This book is an erotica series, meant for mature audiences, age 18+.
The steamy lessons continue as Jack is constantly thinking of how he will show Danielle how badly he wants her, and not just because he wants to bed her, but also because he wants to claim her for his own. The very thought of another guy placing a hand on Danielle gets him flustered. He knows they only have a deal for two weeks, and he knows it is all going to be over very quickly, but that does not seem to stop him from staking his claim and give Danielle a good time.

My Rating: 5 of 5 Stars.
Like the first part of this serialized novel, it went by WAY TOO QUICKLY for me. The anticipation for the conclusion is killing me and the next part will not be available for quite a while. I hope that once the parts are all released that there will be a bind-up available so that I can buy it as one novel and read it all again straight through.

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