Haddie's Haven Disclaimer

Unless otherwise stated, book links are in participation of an affiliate program. This does not increase the cost of the item(s) shared on this blog, nor does it take away profit from the author(s). | Additionally, I participate in many blog tours and on occasion will receive a complimentary copy of the participating book from publishers, authors, and/or tour coordinators. | ARC (Advance Reading Copy) posts are marked within my reviews.

Friday, July 29, 2016

#Review: Body Contact by Cathryn Fox | @WriterCatFox @ScorchedBooks @EntangledPub

Cover Reveal: Beneath the Void by Elisa Dane | #GIVEAWAY @XpressoTours @ElisaDane

Trailer Reveal: Brewer Archives by Meisha Camm | @XpressoTours @Meisha_Camm

#Review: Son of Thunder by Libby Bishop | @LibbyBRomance @EntangledPub #SteamyRomance

#Review: Resisting the Rebel by Lisa Brown Roberts | #MeetYourNextCRUSH @LBrownRoberts @EntangledTeen

#CoverReveal: Beneath the Void by Elisa Dane | @chapterxchapter @ElisaDane @SwoonRomance


#Review: GRAHAM (Scandalous Boys Book Two) by Natalie Decker | #Giveaway @AuthorNatDecker @SwoonRomance

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Release Day Celebration! GRAHAM by Natalie Decker | @AuthorNatDecker #Giveaway @chapterxchapter @SwoonRomance


CHASING WHAT'S ALREADY GONE (Second Chances Series, Book #1) by Michael Ross | @mikerosswriter @LimitlessBooks

"There is a void inside my heart where she should be."

by Michael Ross
Second Chances Series, Book #1
Release Date: July 26, 2016

#BookBlitz: GRAHAM by Natalie Decker | #Giveaway @AuthorNatDecker @XpressoTours @SwoonRomance

#BookBlitz: Sweetness by Sierra Hill | #Giveaway @sierrahillbooks @XpressoTours

Monday, July 25, 2016

#Review: 12 Hours in Paradise by Kathryn Berla | #Sweet #Love #YoungRomance @BerlaKathryn @XpressoTours

#BookBlitz: Aria & Ethan by Kad Rayan | #Giveaway @YABoundToursPR

#CoverReveal: The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland by Rebekah Crane | @XpressoTours @RebekahCrane

#BookBlitz: Pennies (Dollar #1) by Pepper Winters | #Giveaway @PepperWinters @XpressoTours

#HappyBookBirthday: Son of Thunder by Libby Bishop | @EntangledPub @LibbyBRomance

Son of Thunder Release Banner

#BookBlitz: Lavender in Bloom by Lily Velez | #Giveaway @itslilyvelez @XpressoTours

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Book Recommendation of the Day: Jack of Hearts by Ken Scott

#Review: No Falling Allowed by Melissa West | @MB_West @EPEmbrace #Romance

#Review: AngelDust (Dark Angel #5) by Hanna Peach | @HannaPeachBooks #WHYDIDYOUDOTHISTOME

#Review: Out of this World by Patricia Eimer | #Aliens #SciFi #Romance

#Review: Hands On (Part 1 of 3) y Cathryn Fox | @writercatfox @ScorchedBooks #Romance

#Review: Broken Dreams Series by Elodie Nowodazu | #BlogTour #Giveaway @ENowodazkij @YABountToursPR


Coming July 26 from @limitlessbooks – CHASING WHAT’S ALREADY GONE by @mikerosswriter

'There is a void inside my heart where she should be.'

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