Haddie's Haven Disclaimer

Unless otherwise stated, book links are in participation of an affiliate program. This does not increase the cost of the item(s) shared on this blog, nor does it take away profit from the author(s). | Additionally, I participate in many blog tours and on occasion will receive a complimentary copy of the participating book from publishers, authors, and/or tour coordinators. | ARC (Advance Reading Copy) posts are marked within my reviews.

Friday, September 30, 2016

#CoverReveal: Shadows of the Forest by Emma Michaels | @EmmaMichaels @XpressoTours

#BookBlitz: RUIN by Clarissa Wild | #Giveaway @WildClarissa @XpressoTours

#Review: LOOKING FOR TROUBLE by Stacey Mosteller | @StaceyMosteller @SwoonRomance

#HappyBookBirthday! The Panther Moon by Beth Trissel | #Giveaway @BethTrissel @BookUnleashed


#BookBlitz: The Random Series Mega Bundle (Books 1-8) by Julia Kent | #Giveaway @jkentauthor @XpressoTours

Thursday, September 29, 2016

#CoverReveal: Raphael's Fling by Alix Nichols | @aalix_nichols @XpressoTours

#Review: FEAR ME, FEAR ME NOT by Elodie Nowodaskij | @ENowodazkij #MUSTREAD #Suspense #YALit

#BookBlitz: HUNTER by Skylar Heart | #Giveaway @skylarheartauth @XpressoTours

#Review: PLAY by Piper Lawson | #Giveaway @piperjlawson @XpressoTours

#CoverReveal: The Fighter and the Baroness by Sunniva Dee | #Giveaway @sunnivaD @XressoTours

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

#CoverReveal: One Summer with Autumn by Julie Reece | @JulieAReece @SwoonRomance @XpressoTours

#CoverReveal: Three Simple Words (The Kingston Ale House Series) by A.J. Pine | @AJ_Pine


Stud alert! I am so excited to share with you, the first look at the sexy cover for Three Simple Words by A.J. Pine! The highly anticipated third book of The Kingston Ale House standalone series releases 10.17.16.

#Review: French Fries with a Side of Guys by Rebekah L. Purdy | #Giveaway @RebekahLPurdy @SwoonRomance

#BookBlitz: Material Witness (Heroes of Providence, Book 1) by Lisa Mondello | @LisaMondello

LisaMondello - MaterialWitness - TourGraphic
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