Haddie's Haven Disclaimer

Unless otherwise stated, book links are in participation of an affiliate program. This does not increase the cost of the item(s) shared on this blog, nor does it take away profit from the author(s). | Additionally, I participate in many blog tours and on occasion will receive a complimentary copy of the participating book from publishers, authors, and/or tour coordinators. | ARC (Advance Reading Copy) posts are marked within my reviews.

Friday, June 10, 2016

#Review: The Secret Life of a Dream Girl (Creative HeArts #4) by Tracey Deebs | #MeetYourNextCrush @EntangledTEEN #CRUSH

#Review: The Replacement Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts | #McNerd @EntangledTEEN #Crush @LBrownRoberts

#BookBlitz: #SWAG (GearShark, book 3) by Cambria Hebert | #Giveaway @cambriahebert @XpressoTours

#Spotlight: Forget Me Not by Allison Whitmore | @XpressoTours @alli_whitmore #Giveaway

#Spotlight #Review: Hair in all the Wrong Places by Andrew Buckley | @chapterxchapter, @abuckley23 @month9books

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