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Thursday, February 1, 2018


Jacob Chance

Cover Reveal
Genre: Sports Romcom
Release Date: March 2nd
Cover Designer: Sybil Wilson/ Popkitty Design
Add Tussle to Goodreads


“Why haven’t we had sex?”

When Jesse Gunn, one of the biggest stars of World Class Wrestling voiced that million dollar question, I was stunned. I’d known him for five years and he’d never given me a second glance. Or so I thought. Once I knew he imagined us together, my mind went to places I’d never allowed. Dirty places where sweaty, naked bodies take center ring and names are rasped out in the heat of the moment.

Now, my time is spent wondering if a certain part of him could possibly live up to his last name, distracting me from my full time job - as his boss.

Can I continue to keep things professional or will I give in and tussle?

Jacob Chance grew up in New England. He’s a martial artist, a football fan, a practical joker and junk food lover.
An author of erotic thrillers and sports romance, he plans to write many more sexy, suspenseful stories.

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