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Saturday, February 24, 2018


Author: D.T. Dyllin

Narrator: Ashley Holt

Length: 6 hours 59 minutes

Series: Starblind, Book 3

Publisher: Tik Tok Press

Released: Dec. 20, 2017

Genre: Romantic Science Fiction

Taken captive, experimented on, and rescued by a mysterious bounty hunter...all things Zula, The Pittsburgh's second-in command, didn't have on her to-do list. She isn't worried though. After all, as a Galvraron, she has her superior logic to rely on. At least she did.... Suddenly Zula finds her cognitive skills compromised by a device that puts her emotions in control, turning her entire world upside down. Add in the fact that she's forced to spend time with a man from her past, and soon Zula finds herself wondering: How does one fight adversaries such as love and lust? And does she really want to?
D.T. Dyllin is a bestselling author who writes paranormal, sci-fi, and contemporary romance. Basically, anything with a love story is her kryptonite. Her obsession with affairs-of-the-heart is what first drove her to begin twisting her own tales of scorching romance. D.T. was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Black & Gold for life, baby!) She now lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband, and two spoiled German Shepherds.
Narrator Bio
Former NPR PBS FM radio host/announcer in a major media market, with a warm mezzo female voice. I have a background in opera and can present in English, Italian, German, French, Latin. With a background in the performing arts and opera, I can sing as well as do some accents. Home includes a husband shaped person, 2 cats, volunteerism and an active online gaming presence. No audiobook genre is taboo, which makes for very interesting dinner table discussion. Member, Audio Producers Association
   I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Ashley Holt. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it

Flux (Starblind, #3)Flux by D.T. Dyllin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, I never . . . I am so glad there's another book to this series, because I am totally bugged and need to know more. This series has grown on me. Zula is often mentioned in the previous books. It's nice to see she gets a story told, too. Especially since she was "kidnapped", we can finally see what happened to her. Kade is . . .

Okay, maybe I didn't faint, but you get my drift. I like the narration better this time around. An amazing job voicing the characters. Audio was smooth and clear. Story fantastic. I hope there will be audio for the next book, because I totally want/NEED it. LOL

View all my reviews


Starblind, Book 1

Feb. 8th: Buried Under Books 

Parallax, Book 2

Flux, Book 3

Feb. 21st: Audiobook Romance 
Feb. 25th: Buried Under Books 

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