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Friday, August 21, 2015

Finding Perfect (Entangled Crush) by @KendraHighley @entangledpub #Review

Finding Perfect (Entangled Crush)
by: Kendra Highley
Release Date: September 14th, 2015

My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Description: A story about a girl who tries to live up to her parents' expectations, and bright young man who is every bit of smart and sweet.


DISCLAIMER: I received an e-ARC of this book (provided through NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review. (I would have posted this right away, but I was awaiting some details so that I could post this with the cover)

Characters/Plot: I summed up the book, I added the description, because this book is not yet released, and there is not much detail about this book anywhere, except in NetGalley, which you can go read for yourself, if approved. *evil grin*

Ben and Paige are amazing characters. I loved them so, so much. I know I say that a lot, but it is the truth and I don't know how else to say it. Paige is an overachiever, but only to the extent that she is trying to please her parents, which I relate to, to an extent. She is a vivid character and I love how she meets Ben. Ben Franklin (yes, he's related) is smart, funny, and sweet. Mix him with Paige, and you've got what is the CUTEST of couples! ♥ The deal at the beginning involved Paige getting help in calculus,  in exchange that she helps Ben score a date with her friend, Zoey. Paige is often stuck in Zoey's shadow, as she thinks every guy turns their head in Zoey's direction, not hers. Not to give too much away, but that is only the beginning. The cover ties into the plot, read it for yourself to see why.

My Honest Opinions/Thoughts: I was easily drawn into this book, because it's got every inch of early stages of puppy-love, and arg! I L♥VED it. Though it did take me a while to get going, because I've been so busy. I love Ben, I love Paige; totally have another new book-ship.

Extra: I think Kendra has a winner with this book. I think her efforts are going to pay off. ♥ I really like her writing and I will definitely check out more of her work in the future. And, for those of you who pick up this book, read it to the very end. View the dedications, you will be flooded with feels (hopefully I do not give away too much). - I am hoping to take part in the upcoming book blitz, so keep an eye open for that!

About The Author
Kendra C. Highley lives in north Texas with her husband and two children. She also serves as staff to two self-important and high-powered cats. This, according to the cats, is her most important job. She believes chocolate is a basic human right, running a 10k is harder than it sounds, and that everyone should learn to drive a stick-shift. She loves monsters, vacations, baking and listening to bad electronica.

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