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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back To Us by Teresa Roman‏ #Review #Contemporary #NALit

Back To Us by Teresa Roman 
Publication date: July 28th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

My Rating:

Abandoned by her parents at fourteen, Jessica knows what it means to struggle. She’s vowed that getting her degree is the only thing she has time for, until a summer internship brings Justin into her life.

But Justin has scars of his own. A tour of duty in Afghanistan has left him with wounds. A medical discharge from the Navy leaves Justin struggling to make sense of his new reality. Then he meets Jessica; but can the two of them leave their pain in the past and make a future together?

Goodreads | Amazon

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book (via XpressoBookTours) in exchange for an honest review. Hopefully there are no spoilers, but . . .

Characters/Plot: This is another story to relate to the characters with. Painful pasts that hit home. Jessica was brilliant, I liked her from the start. Justin is awesome. He sweet, gentle, kind and all of those nice characteristics that symbolize someone like that. The fact that both characters were so worried about not being good enough for each other is enough to say that they were MFEO (made for each other). NA content, so if you are not comfortable with it, do not pick it up unless you are ready for it.

My Honest Opinions/Thoughts: I loved this book so much! The fact that Justin has a disability was enough to draw me in. My heart aches for people like that and I feel that this book should be read by everyone, even if they have a compassion for such. I feel the author outdid herself, and add that element to this book made it perfect. This book hit home and I recommend it. 

About The Author
My absolute favorite things in life are my family and books. In fact, my love of reading is what inspired me to become a writer. I love the way stories can take you to another time and place.

I currently live in beautiful Sacramento, CA with my husband, three adorable children and a doxiepoo named Parker that my son convinced me to adopt. When I'm not at my day job or running around with my kiddos, you can find me in front of the computer writing or with my head buried in another book.

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