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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

#Review: A Double Shot of Bourbon by A.C. Land | #Giveaway @authorACLand @XpressoTours

A Double Shot of Bourbon
A.C. Land
(Bourbon Series #2)
Publication date: October 18th 2016
Genres: Romance, Young Adult
Lonna Stuart is proud to be the most beautiful girl most people have ever seen. But on the inside she’s dying. Her mother’s grating comments and her boyfriend’s obsessive control are suffocating her.
There’s only one person who sees the real Lonna.
Son of the infamous Bourbon Butcher, Collin toes an invisible line of perfection; he’s a football prodigy; a hard working employee; and, what Lonna’s boyfriend considers, a retard. A slight stutter keeps Collin back from making too many friends, but he observes better than anyone, and he sees things most people miss. He sees the pain in Lonna’s eyes and the sadness in her frown. When she nearly drowns, Collin’s the only one willing to sacrifice himself to save her.
Inspired by Collin’s overwhelming kindness and drawn to the sheer greatness of him, Lonna begins to pull away from her asphyxiating life. But unbeknownst to both of them, Collin’s father, busy planning an epic escape from prison.

Book 1: A Shot of Bourbon - Goodreads | Amazon

DISCLAIMER: I received a e-ARC of this book as part of this tour.

I am in love. This book fits its title. It is definitely a double shot of bourbon, bringing the series to a new level. Different characters, different story, but within a similar location and time as the previous books. Lonna and Collin are such wonderful characters. I know I read a lot, and I know I am a total sucker for books like this. When Collin goes to rescue Lonna as she nearly drowns. *fake stabs heart and falls over* Can't even express it. So good.

My Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars.
This was the first time I read an A.C. Land book. I am sold.

About the Author
Author of the Bourbon series, A. C. Land has been a lover of stories since she first read about Peter Pan giving Wendy an acorn and teaching her to fly. She always dreamed of telling big stories about small towns.
Residing on a cattle farm in Missouri, A. C. loves playing with her rambunctious Jack Russell, Riley, making decorative cakes, taking pictures, drinking pumpkin spice coffee, and hanging out with her nephews.



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