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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Haddie's Haven: A Recommendation | The Bright Park Series by Sibyl Eisly | #SweetRomance

Hey everyone! Yes, I totally borrowed the banner above, but it goes with this post.

I want to share a series with you today. I have received and read, so far, the four books in the Bright Park series by Sibyl Eisley. Each book follows its own character, and incorporates snippets of the characters whose stories follow afterwards.

These books are super sweet, and quick, reads. I just finished the fourth book and I had only started it a few hours earlier. Every bit of them is so sweet and heartwarming. They are my cup of coffee.

If you would like to add these books to your reading lists, CLICK HEREOr check out the series on Amazon here:
Special thanks to Sibyl Eisley for giving me the chance to read each of these books.

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