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Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Hello, Haven Invaders! I'm back with another movie review. This one surprised me and it's one I've had on "My List" since Netflix shared the trailer. Let's get to it.

Brief Summary: To protect an 8-year-old girl, a dangerous assassin reunites with her mother and her lethal associates to take down a ruthless crime syndicate and its army of henchmen.

Rating: R (definitely not for kids)

"John Wick, but with chicks."
Similar movies; Netflix's KATE (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), AVA (Jessica Chastain) SALT (Angelina Jolie), COLOMBIANA (Zoe SaldaƱa), THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER'S WEB (Sylvia Hoeks). And I have to include HARLEY QUINN: BIRDS OF PREY (Margot Robbie).
What these movies share in common are their all-women, kick-ass ensemble, or a strong female lead.

What called my attention was the casting of Karen Gillan. As a fan of her role as Amy Pond on Doctor Who, I already knew she would be amazing. The rest of the female ensemble was a bonus. Back to Karen Gillan, her portrayal of Sam was amazing and I very much believed her character.

This movie was violent. I cannot put it lightly. And the use of profanity was not subtle. Could they have gone without the swearing and vain words? It is possible, though it means the screenwriter would have had to come up with alternate ways of expressing anger and disgust. Probably would have added more violence.

I saw somewhere that Gunpowder Milkshake shares a similar message/theme to KATE. I have not seen KATE yet, but it is up next.

Overall, 9.5/10.

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