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Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Title: Teach Me Sweetly
Author: Abby Gale
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 16, 2019
When I accepted the teaching position in a town the size of my thumb, 
all I cared about was making some money until I was ready to pursue my dream. 
My time here was supposed to have an expiration date. 
My plan was simple.
Until her.
The girl with a cupcake and fascinating sadness.
Her beauty got my attention first, then her loneliness and melancholy captivated me. 
Her words and pain fed my interest, but it was her heart that sealed my fate. 
I came to this town with no expectations. 
But I didn't know my dream and muse was waiting for me in a school uniform.

I’m Abby Gale, an international author. I generally write erotica with little suspense in it, but I don’t like to label myself so whatever strikes my fancy will be my upcoming release.
I’m a former blogger, an avid reader, and a pharmacist aside from my author persona.

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