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Wednesday, November 29, 2023


TheFallofAmethyst copy

It's release week! Check the next gorgeous installment in the Trident Trilogy, The Fall of Amethyst! Read on for more details!


The Fall of Amethyst 
(A Trident Trilogy #2) 
Publication Date: November 29, 2023 
Genre: Fantasy Romance/ New Adult 

► Enemies to Lovers 
► Slow Burn  
► Greek Myth Retelling 
► He falls first 

After learning that she’s the reincarnation of the Greek deity, Amphitrite, Amy has dealt with a lot. From the mental whiplash of her childhood friend Percy actually being Poseidon to the unforgiving push into an ancient war against Zeus, she’s handled it. But just when Amy’s beginning to accept that the world is more vast and magical than she thought, she’s betrayed by someone she trusts. Now she finds herself being held prisoner by an enemy much more sinister than Zeus … Amy is determined to keep her faith in Percy coming to rescue her, but her captors are equally determined to turn her against him. And there’s only so long she can withstand mental and physical torture, no matter how intriguing she might find one of her captors. As Amy’s resolve grows weaker, and the call of the trident grows stronger, she is faced with the fact that not only is she in danger, but she might also be the danger. 

Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author


Savannah Zherebnenko lives in the PNW with her husband, two kids, and three fur babies. When she’s not zombified from her young kids, you can find her in her garden or in the kitchen canning, baking, cooking… slaving. Just kidding about the last one. But really, and if she’s not doing any of those things, she’s curled up with a book and a full glass of wine.

Savannah H. Zher

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