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Thursday, February 10, 2022


TheseDarkerStreets copy

We're celebrating the upcoming release of These Darker Streets, the first book in a brand new series by Abigail Linhardt! Read on for more info and a chance to win a really cool giveaway. Don't forget to pre-order a copy of the book. 

Godess Among Us Book 1 cover (1) 
These Darker Streets (Goddess Among Us #1) 
Expected Publication Date: February 12th, 2022 
  Genre: Fantasy Romance/ Romantasy 
  Tragic loss. Eternal love. Ancient magic. Brigit used to believe in magic and had hopes for a great future. Not any more. She has hunkered down to just get through life. Then a mysterious man appears, beckoning her out into a vulnerable relationship. He brings with him a life that doesn’t even exist in her reality. Plagued by visions of past lives, Brigit’s trust in a magicless existence is about to be shattered. Every few lifetimes, Ildanach meets a woman who is the reincarnation of his love and together they can protect the earth. Now he has met Brigit, a woman hell-bent on denying anything that she cannot touch in this reality. When he sees the spark of his love in her, he knows she’s the one with whom he can stop the dark spirit for good. However, she is lost in the darkness that mortal life has given her. The world is in danger from the fairy of the underworld who wants to stop the guardian and the goddess once and for all. In a battle of life or death, Idlanach must save the mortal world before time runs out and Brigit must decide once and for all if she can believe in something as mysterious and magical as love.

These Darker Streets is an addictive read that seamlessly weaves Celtic legend into a dark and dangerous urban fantasy filled with compelling characters, engaging action, and a love story powerful enough to survive centuries. Abigail Linhardt is a bold, new voice to watch.

D.D. Croix, award-winner author of Dragonfly Maid

Excerpt - Quote

Pre-Order Here!

Review coming soon!

About the Author

Author Pic 
 Abi has been a writer all her life, but is a mentor at heart. When she is not writing, you can find her slaying enemies online or hunting for the next bohemian adventure. She has published works of fiction, poetry, academia, and even won awards for her short stories in science fiction and horror. Abi is also a proud mom of two…ferrets! She live streams on Twitch where you can enjoy her terrible gaming skills and join the live discussion. She works part-time as a freelance ghostwriter, editor, and audiobook narrator, hoping to one day make these passions her full-time job. She currently resides in Kansas. She is one of nine children–all who share the creative spark.

Abigail Linhardt | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok


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Book Tour Schedule - Check out the rest of the line-up!

February 7th

R&R Book Tours (Kick-Off) http://rrbooktours.com

I Smell Sheep (Review) http://www.ismellsheep.com/

Jessica Belmont (Review) https://jessicabelmont.com/

Rambling Mads (Spotlight) http://ramblingmads.com

February 8th

@loveleighreading (Review) https://www.instagram.com/loveleighreading/

B is for Book Review (Spotlight) https://bforbookreview.wordpress.com

Nesie’s Place (Spotlight) https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com

Dark Whimsical Art (Spotlight) https://www.darkwhimsicalart.com/blogs/news

February 9th

@wraithreads (Review) https://www.instagram.com/wraithreads/

@honeydukesbooks (Review) https://www.instagram.com/honeydukesbooks/

@inkspit.blog (Spotlight) https://www.instagram.com/inkspit.blog/

I Love Books & Stuff (Spotlight) https://ilovebooksandstuffblog.wordpress.com

February 10th

@betweenthesheets.books (Review) https://www.instagram.com/betweenthesheets.books/

@ofmoviesandbooks (Review) https://www.instagram.com/ofmoviesandbooks/

Haddie’s Haven (Review) https://haddieshaven.blogspot.com

Sadie’s Spotlight (Spotlight) http://sadiesspotlight.com/

February 11th

@bookishly_kenia (Review) https://www.instagram.com/bookishly_kenia/

@happily_undignified (Review) https://www.instagram.com/happily_undignified/

@atrailofpages (Review) https://www.instagram.com/atrailofpages/

Sophril Reads (Spotlight) http://sophrilreads.wordpress.com

Book Tour Organized By: R&R Book Tours
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