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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Michelle Hazen’s CHRISTMAS WITH THE BAND Review & Excerpt Tour
Music legend Ava has more houses than most people have shoes, but what present is good enough for your rock star boyfriend who gives you orgasms on demand all year long? Find out in CHRISTMAS WITH THE BAND by Michelle Hazen, the final entry in her beloved Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series. Fans of holiday romances will love this funny but heart tugging story about friendship, family, forgiveness and fitting in.

"Dark, delicious, and dripping with voice." —Katie Golding, Author of Order Up

“Hazen’s use of the frantic energy of a rock band’s tour contrasts perfectly with the slow and seductive dance this couple engages in. Readers are sure to enjoy following The Red Letters on their drama-fueled climb to fame.” —RT Book Review

“Wowwwwww! This was a beautifully written, compelling, captivating read.” —Books according to Abby Blog

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