Haddie's Haven Disclaimer

Unless otherwise stated, book links are in participation of an affiliate program. This does not increase the cost of the item(s) shared on this blog, nor does it take away profit from the author(s). | Additionally, I participate in many blog tours and on occasion will receive a complimentary copy of the participating book from publishers, authors, and/or tour coordinators. | ARC (Advance Reading Copy) posts are marked within my reviews.

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Day the Tablet Died | Haddie's Haven

Tragedy. I feel anguished. My brothers were goofing off in the living room and as many times as I told them to knock it off, they didn't listen.
My tablet (the only thing that allows me to keep up with my reading e-books) was sitting on the arm of our couch, charging. I walked away for literally two minutes to put on a movie. My brothers continue to goof off when I hear a loud crash and turn around.
My tablet. On the floor. Screen completely cracked and frozen on lockscreen.
The only thing going through my mind right now is all the blog tours I have coming with in the next couple of weeks and I will have to write those coordinators/publicists and try to work something out, because although my laptop can be used to catch up in reading, my hours are cut short because my sister uses my laptop to d her stuff (because she doesn't have a laptop anymore, and also, my dad's broke this morning).
I hate having to tell someone that I can't keep my word. I hate it. I never use the word hate, but today I have to use it. I HATE having to tell someone that I cannot keep my word. These were blog tours that I have been looking forward to. I wanted to read these books. Its hard to read on my laptop, it was the reason I bugged my mom about keeping the tablet my older brother sent in the first place.
Its especially not fair because I worked so hard to get this far in book blogging, and even though that tablet was not the best, it worked.

This is book related, obviously. Just making sure I shared it and you all know what is up. I am possibly going to fall behind. There are books I have been reading that I won't be able to finish because most were from NetGalley. Galley's expire, and get archived. The only way I will get to finish them is if I buy them. But my family is . . . completely broke and I would rather eat. So . .  yeah. :'(

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